Monday, August 05, 2013

Mournful Monday

So it is another bright sunny Monday Morning here in the heart of Lancaster County. It is Mother Nature's cruel way of mocking her children as we toddle off to our prison cells cubicles. She is showing us how beautiful life can be while reminding us of all we will be missing while toiling away, trying to earn the money that will let us enjoy the time we do have off (you know, when it is raining and the only things fun to do are inside and cost money). If the knowledge that Mother Nature enjoys your Monday Morning suffering is not enough to make you cry, then I am sure this video of a disabled Boston Terrier puppy taking his first steps will do the trick.

His name is Mick and some wonderful people with big hearts and tons of patience helped rehabilitate the little guy. I had tears in my eyes by the time he even took his first steps. I read so much about the horrible things we do to each other on a daily basis, that I think this week needs to kick off with tears of joy brought about by a touching tale of good deeds done for those with tails (or at least little nubbies that wiggle to and fro). Since Monday mornings demand some tears be shed, let them be ones of hope and happiness rather than mourning for our lost weekend (that'll tweak Mother Nature's nose real good. Ha, take that you ol' biddy!)

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