Monday, March 04, 2013

Misanthropic Monday

Hey, how ya' doin'?

It's Monday, so probably not so good. Me either. So with that in mind, I bring you a little installment I like to call Misanthropic Monday. In this blog segment, I will give you several rant worthy topics for you to stew on and to focus all that unwanted loathing toward. Having an outlet to pour all of that unfocused anger Monday mornings instill in us all will help you be a better person eventually (meh, it's a theory). So without further ado I give you rant number one; The System.

The system is not a person but it was created and damaged by people, so we can hate on it as the man made clusterf*@% it is. I don't bring this here for political reasons, because to me it does not matter what side of the fence you stand on, we all have to agree this system is not working the way it should be. I do not profess to have an answer for how to fix it, much less think that there is only one answer to solve the cluster we call our economy. And most importantly, I am not naive enough to believe it is an easy job to fix what is broken in our society. Today none of that matters because it is Misanthropic Monday and I can just be angry that the system is so broken that this is a reality without pointing fingers at the people I feel may be responsible for braking it more.

If you cannot get on the train to hatin' on the system, perhaps these little reminders that not only are a fairly substantial size of our population poor, or hovering at poor's doorstep, but are also grossly uneducated in the ways of their beloved language, some willfully so and they are not too proud to show it. With that I bring you rant worthy topic two; The grammatically challenged and damn proud of it.

So go ahead and seethe a little now so later in the day you can smile and nod at your fellow coworkers or customers. Granted I know Monday is almost over and this post would have been more appropriate to the beginning of your day. I would have posted this earlier in the day but you know, it's freakin' Monday!

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