Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spoilsports, Spoilers, and Just Plain Crazies

*This post was to be a Misanthropic Monday post but I really went on a rant and decided it was best to let it sit a day before letting it out to breath.

I have been reading Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series since the early 2000s. I have enjoyed every book. I have not always liked the turn of events that occurred in the books but I have been thoroughly entertained by each and everyone of them. I have loved and hated the choices made by the main character. These books have made me laugh, cry, laugh some more and also shake my fists at the turn of events (I liked Alcide from the first moment, to see him turn into a lesser character was not my favorite thing but you know, these things happen).

And like most fans, I have eagerly awaited the arrival of spring each year. Spring is a time when many things blossom and bloom; a time when new growth occurs, this holds true for many paranormal/ urban fantasy series. Spring is a time of year when I save up my hard earned money (and Christmas gift cards!) to splurge on buying the next installments to many of my favorite series, including Ms.Harris's Sookie books. In short, I have been emotionally and financially invested in following this series, just like many of its other fans. This past week, I have learned that the book world is in an uproar because some "fan" managed to not only get a hold of a copy of Dead Ever After  early but they also proceeded to post the ending of the series online before the book's release date. Now, I understand being upset when a series ends in a way that you really did not want it to; see the a fore mentioned emotional and financial investment. What I cannot understand is taking your emotional revenge out on others who are eagerly awaiting the last book of the series too. By posting a spoiler, you do just that, you spoil everything for those who have not yet been able to read the book. I have names for people like this "fan" but I will not post them here and will just call these types of people spoilsports. Spiteful Spoilsports.

However, this spiteful act of one spoilsport does not stop there. No, of course it doesn't. The internet being the internet, other haters and emotionally unstable people who are strengthened by their anonymity have dog piled on the spoiler post to vent their spleens to the world and blame Charlaine Harris for their many woes.  Those truly unstable have even threaten Ms. Harris' well being. This is disturbing to me. Ms. Harris has shared her creativity with her readers for decades. As a writer she has created many characters and story lines over the years. Created as in meaning she is their source of origin, their creator, the well spring from which they well, sprung.

She was the person driving the bus we were but passengers along for the ride. While it is true most passengers have opinions about which route would be best to take, ultimately we were not seated at the controls and the big decisions were the driver's to make, you know, like which radio stations we listen too on the road trip. We passengers buy our tickets knowing that we have no input in the final destination of the trip, in fact that is part of the thrill for many of us, the wonder of where it will all lead in the end. For some, however, it appears that their purchasing of a ticket means they are entitled to dictate the path the driver will take and take control over the radio.Perhaps the driving analogy was not the best choice here because I know someone can make the passenger as navigator argument.

Either way, in my personal opinion I do not think readers get to dictate how a story ends, the writer does. Yes, I agree that readers can be disappointed in how a story ends and yes, I do agree that we can voice why we are disappointed on forums, blogs, emails, etc. Doing so by purposely ruining the ending for everyone else is just childish and mean. Voicing your opinion on a book or the outcome of a long series by name calling and/or sending threats is more than childish and mean, it is a sign of ignorance and mental instability.

To these people I say get a grip, take your meds, and go see a mental health professional post haste...

...and above all else, don't breed!!!

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