Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Not Much to Say...

I am in the middle of finishing up a group project for a LibGuide for my LIS 2500 class. This is the last assignment I have to do for the semester. I will get to enjoy a few weeks of just work and no school before the summer semester begins. I did finish one book titled Runes by Ednah Walters. I don't have much to say about the book. It had great character development but the relationship between the protagonists and her love interests reeks of Twilight influences. It really irks me that Twilight has made that much of an impression on me that I compare other books to it, even if I am not using it as a favorable marker. On the positive side Ms. Walters does contribute a twist in the YA paranormal romance, Valkyries!

I love Norse mythology and I don't think it is given nearly enough attention, in any type of literature much less urban fantasy and paranormal romance. So I was excited by the title of the book. However, I was again slightly disappointed in Ms. Walter's distortion of the Valkyrie mythology but intrigued enough to finish reading the book. I might check out the next book in the series when it comes out to see where she takes this ride but it is not on the top of my list at this point. It was by far not the worst book I have read this year but I felt a disconnect with the story due to the issues with the relationship storyline. I don't like to say much if I don't have anything really good to say so I will just stop there for the night. I have started another more amusing book title Cinderella Rules by Donna Kauffman. I am already enjoying it so more on that later.


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